Monday, 29 February 2016

When You Know Better

I LOVE this quote. This is what we're all about here at Full Hands, Full Mugs​!! We hope that you are enjoying following along as we are getting started here!

Personally, I learn something new about gentle parenting every day. Through research and chatting with other parents who use gentle parenting strategies, I have gained so much from their wisdom. We are all working towards the same goal - to be more like Christ, and to raise our children in a way that is pleasing to Him. My parenting "toolbox" is constantly changing. As my children grow and I learn more about the effects of parenting choices, I am always tweaking the tools that I use to parent my children. I love learning new strategies to deal with different behaviours, and although it is HARD work, it is so worth it because it WORKS. And I don't have to hurt or scare my children into obedience.

It's a journey, much like our Christian lives. The more we get to know the Lord more intimately through reading our Bibles and prayer, the more our lives are changing from the inside out!

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma." Ephesians 5:1-2

So walk in love, and lay yourself down for your children. Look to our GOOD GOOD FATHER and imitate Him as best as you can. Remember that your children too, will immitate you. Pray for God's strength, for His help! He loves you and cares for you and your children. He will walk with you through the highs and the lows of your parenting journey, guiding your steps. Tune into His voice and when He shows you something better, DO better.


  1. Yes!! What a good reminder. Walk in love. When you know better, do better. Also, every day is a new beginning! A chance to start fresh with the Lord, and with our children.

    1. Yes absolutely. His mercies are new every morning and thank God for that!!

    2. Yes absolutely. His mercies are new every morning and thank God for that!!

  2. I agree! I'm constantly updating my toolbox as my son grows. It's so rewarding to see the beautiful fruit of our gentle parenting.
